niedziela, 3 lipca 2011

something i will need

'My dear boy, no woman is a genius. Women are a decorative sex. They never have anything to say, but they say it charmingly. Women represent the triumph of matter over mid, just as men represent the triumph of mind over morals.' Oscar Wilde

Women have no appreciation of good looks; at least, good women have not.

The terror of society, which is the basis of morals, the terror of God, which is the secret of religion -- these are the two things that govern us.

It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances. The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible.

Young men want to be faithful, and are not; old men want to be faithless, and cannot

Punctuality is the thief of time.

Most people become bankrupt through having invested too heavily in the prose of life. To have ruined oneself over poetry is an honour.

The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray…

Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.

The reason we all like to think so well of others is that we're all afraid for ourselves. The basis of optimism is sheer terror.

When we are happy we are always good, but when we are good we are not always happy.

...the real tragedy of the poor is that they can afford nothing but self-denial. Beautiful sins, like beautiful things, are the privilege of the rich.

Women ... inspire us with the desire to do masterpieces, and always prevent us from carrying them out.


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